Anastasiy Safari

I’m back with The Secret.

Posted by Anastasiy Safari on 11 March 2009 (Wednesday) Under Philosophy, Images, Noise

©, A.Safari for «The Universe»/TUT by Mike Dooley

©, A.Safari for «The Universe»/TUT by Mike Dooley

There are some, who believe in God’s power, some, who believe in the power of monarchy, king or president. There are some who lost their heart and faith, and believe in nothing. I believe in myself and a power of an individual. It’s somewhat close to “The Secret”, which I heard about long before the TV’s trumpets and books invasion. To be more precise, it’s the “Law of attraction”. I’ve got the link from my friend on the other side of the globe, which led me to a hidden Internet site written in some unknown language, with only this text in English. After all of my Indian adventures I took this idea as granted.

Many take this philosophy as magic and fairy tales. I think it’s because of glamorous mass media packaging. In any case, “magic” here means something that science cannot explain and voltmeter cannot measure.

I made a contribution to one  of “The Secret”’s project called “The Universe” (by Mike Dooley). The project is focused on people’s motivation towards the heroic deeds and a fight with circumstances. I won’t go any deeper into details, but personally, I receive a newsletter with “everyday recipes”, which hit the nail on the head for me very often and help me go further and further, even if it seems that a road ahead is blocked with a metal gates and crocodiles in the moat.

©, A.Safari for «The Universe»/TUT by Mike Dooley

©, A.Safari for «The Universe»/TUT by Mike Dooley

There was a contest organized by “The Universe” to visualize their statements in the form of postcards. My postcards - presented in this post - won.

©, A.Safari for «The Universe»/TUT by Mike Dooley

©, A.Safari for «The Universe»/TUT by Mike Dooley

The statements appear to be very simple, still they bring a lot of ideas in a very deep and a philosophical form. The ideas which prevent circumstances from getting the best of us, which tends to happens more often then not. Someone would see supernatural forces here, but the message is stronger. The world is your oyster, you have the real power to change it as you think. Do as you know, think what you want, and do what you want - even, if is seems to be a 1000 mile journey you will get there!

©, A.Safari for «The Universe»/TUT by Mike Dooley

©, A.Safari for «The Universe»/TUT by Mike Dooley

Mass-media made a mean joke and turned “The Secret” into a glamorous-packaged media chop. But it doesn’t depreciate its power! It’s a philosophy of New Age.
What I don’t like in the old age philosophies is a concept of sacrifice and suffering, the denial of the man’s nature, struggle, austerity and mortifications. Belief in high powers that will save you in exchange for immolation. Why so? It’s really more simple - believe in your thoughts, in yourself and things will come your way! The Universe has a place for everyone and this place is filled with joy and understanding of your freedom, and the notion that you will achieve what you need.
NOTICE. I prefer not to link any review of the “The Secret” and “The law of attraction” here.  Too much misunderstanding and needless speculations of the concept is wandering around forums. Briefly, the law of attraction states that if you really want something, the circumstances will attract it to you, so your dream will come true - and it depends only on you and your thoughts. There are many great examples given and many famous people speak on support of this idea. There is also quite a bit of practical advice to be found within. The philosophy itself is rooted in various ancient doctrines. It came about in the beginning of XIX century and was called “New Thoght”.

The world is held by belief. The world of a man is fullfilled with his own beliefs and his intentions.

What do you believe in?

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10 Responses to “I’m back with The Secret.”

  1. Ilya Gotfryd Says:

    A great deal of it is charming and reasonable, however there is still a great lack of guidance in some important spots. The positive message in itself is very refreshing indeed.
    As for works, as usual stunning approach to design. I really enjoy what you did with the jungle postcard. Initial photograph was somewhat interesting, but that was about the extent of it. You brought out a lot in it.

  2. Anastasiy Safari Says:

    Thanks, Ilya :D
    The guide is you, TUT just shows the main turns on the road and gives you the wind at your back that never stops!

  3. olg-brusnikina Says:

    интересная философия, стараюсь думать так же по жизни)))хотелось бы еще прочитать по этой теме

  4. Vektor Says:

    Интересная идея, но выглядит уж слишком сказочно. Ты себе, сиди, три лампу, джинн появится и все исполнит? Так про это уже тысячу лет назад написали в сказках “Тысяча и одна ночь”! Простите, но несерьезно как-то!
    (Открытки очень красивые, особенно с руками).

  5. Alla Says:

    все все все правда ))))) если очень сильно чего-то хочешь, то обязательно получишь )))))

  6. Vektor Says:

    Так я же не спорю! Если сильно захотеть, можно в космос улететь. Но для этого еще надо столько всего сделать - например, стать космонавтом. А автор утверждает, что все случится само собой.
    Сказочник :)

  7. Anastasiy Safari Says:

    Именно, именно! ;)
    Vektor: С моей точки зрения тут имеется в виду, что если сильно желать чего-то, то не только обстоятельства начнут “притягиваться”, но и ты сам автоматически
    1) будешь фильтровать необходимые тебе вещи в окружающем пространстве
    2) сам будешь что-то делать для достижения целей
    Так что и Вы правы :)

    olg-brusnikina: Вы можете посмотреть фильм “Тайна”.

  8. Ilya Gotfryd Says:

    В Секрете есть пару очень важных нюансов в которых его сила. Вот напремер “не негативное, не является позитивным”. Очень важны слова которыми вы описываете себя и свой мир. Тобишь “это было не ужастно” по сути совершенно не равно “Это было хорошо”. Секрет говорит вам о том чтобы менять подход к разговору о жизни и мышлению о ней этим в общем-то меняется всё. Вещи становятся легче ближе и достижимее потому что начинаеш думать не о препятствиях а о возможностях. Риск становится упражнением для саморазвития, ты преобретаешь силу и даже жилание проводить разведку боем. В принцыпе все процессы ускораются и тем самым тяжело достижимое становится почти забавно простым. Подход в Секрете не много сказочный и есть “мудрости” от которых порой поташнивает, но в общей сути находишь себя в большом плюсе.

  9. Sasha Says:

    Может, тебе набор открыток выпустить?

  10. Anastasiy Safari Says:

    А есть у вас сервис, с которым это можно сделать безболезненно?

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